Sustainability Work

Prisma Properties creates value by being an active real estate company that develops and pursuit long-term ownership of properties within the low-price daily goods and quick service restaurant segments. Prisma’s sustainability work is guided by UN’s global development goals (SDGs) and is conducted with an ESG perspective which aligns well with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Hereafter, you can read about Prisma’s ESG work and how we create value within each target area.


Prisma priorities a responsible and active work for the environment and its surrounding, through efforts with energy efficiency measures for the property portfolio (since that is both the real estate sectors, and Prisma’s largest CO2 emission area), production and sale of renewable energy through solar panels, expansion of charging infrastructure for light and heavy transports, and requirements for tenants regarding renewable energy supply when certifying properties in accordance with Miljöbyggnad Silver .


Prisma’s social sustainability approach strives and actively work to achieve a positive societal impact, aiming to develop sustainable properties that contribute to positive urban development and works with social sustainability in several ways. One focus area is developing accessible and inclusive marketplaces in cooperation with municipalities and tenants. Prisma’s marketplaces aim to be accessible to everyone, meaning that people with different types of disabilities should be able to stay in and around Prisma’s marketplaces on equal terms.


The ultimate responsibility for Prisma’s sustainability work lies with the board and the CEO. Decisions on the company’s sustainability policy with associated sustainability goals are made by the company’s board. To drive Prisma’s sustainability work forward, Prisma has appointed a Sustainability Manager who, together with Prisma’s ‘ COO and CFO, forms the company’s sustainability committee